June 19th LA Fintech Demo Mix Mingle Network


Come mix and mingle with other Financial Technologist’s Tuesday June 19th. Learn about the newest and fastest changes going on in financial technology. Finance is undergoing a massive change some call the “financial paradigm” or “crypto wars”. Laws from 1930-1940 (old right?) are getting broken down with technological innovation in finance. Find partners, talk about your project, bounce ideas, discover LA Fintech.


7pm Mix Mingle Network.

7:30pm Demo: Daniel Riceberg (https://goo.gl/8EPY2S) of Block Park (https://goo.gl/ros8pH). Cryptocurrency secured by real estate.

8-9pm Continue Mix Mingle Network

Free parking 3 hr validation w/ $10 purchase from the bar with the parking structure on 646 S. Olive St., Platinum Parking 637 S Olive Los Angeles 90014 $6, or Metro exit 7th St.

If you want to sponsor an event message me. If you want to do a future demo, sign up HERE (https://goo.gl/iT0pH6) (plan 1-3 months lead time). If you’re an investor and want to talk, sign up HERE (https://goo.gl/QgX9UA). Also, add your company to LA Fintech (http://lafintech.com) directory so others find you.

Upcoming Events:

6-7/8 Tulip Con (https://tulipconf.com) – Next-Gen Blockchain, Digital Currencies Conference in San Francisco, California. 50% Promo PCLUFTIG050


LA Fintech Jobs (http://lafintech.com/jobs)


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